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FM-AM Standard Signal Generator MSG-2570 ( Meguro )
[Outline] [Trouble-shoots]
[Reset the control logic board]
the contact of the keys] [Replace an operational amplifier]
Fig1. The modulator board. | Fig.2 400Hz OSC of the modulator board. Pin 14 of U1 was fixed to -12V. |
Fig.3 Remove U1 ( uPC8048C) from the board. | Fig.4 Remove the solder from the lands. |
Fig.5 uPC804C ( for replace ) and upc4084C ( removed ). Both are the 2nd source of TL084. | Fig.6 uPC804C was 294 yens for one piece. |
Fig.7 uPC804C ( replaced ) and upc4084C. | Fig.8 The 400Hz signal started to oscillate. 400Hz and 1kHz signals are not synchronized |
Fig.9 Attach the modulation board to the chassis. | Fig.10 After the repairing. |