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Equipments 1
Frequency Counter LS-223 ( Home brew )
[Outline] [Front view] [Top view] [Bottom view] [Block diagram]
pre-scaler and 10MHz clock osccilator]
AVR pwb and capacitors for power supply]
to decimal converter (nixie tube driver)]
Fig.1 Pre-amplifire, pre-scaler and 10MHz clock osccilator
Fig.1 shows pre-amplifire, pre-scaler and 10MHz clock oscillator.
Pre-amplifire for TTL input is consist of 1 FET and 3 bipola transistors direct coupled. The ground plane is removed around FET input to reduce stray capacitors.
A miniture relay is used to switch the input signal to dilect input and prescaled input.
A 10MHz crystal , an air variable condenser, 3 transistors are used for clock oscillator.