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AM-FM Stereo Tuner KT-1100 (TRIO-Kenwood)
[Outline] [Front view] [Inside view] [Trouble-shoots]
[Front end] [IF-Pulse count detector] [Sample & hold MPX]
Fig.1 1st IF(10.7MHz) - 2nd Mix - 2nd IF(1.96MHz) and PCD block
Fig.1 shows 1st IF(10.7MHz) -
2nd Mix - 2nd IF(1.96MHz) and PCD block. On the
left side, there is an IC ( TR7020 ) which is consist of 1st IF, 2nd
local oscilator
and 2nd mixer. On the top side, there is a white box. This is a 1.96
BPF. On the
right side, there is an pulse count detector IC ( TR4011 ). On the
lower right side,
there are three inductors colored in yellow,white and red. these are
the LPF to regect
the high frequency signal from the audio signal.
TR7020 and TR4011 are also used in KT-900
and KT-1000.