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Macintosh Classic II  (Apple Computer, Inc.)

[Outline] [Replace leaked capacitors] [Adjust the voltage of AVR]
[Re-soldering the fly back transformer]

<Replaced chemical capacitors>

From 1uF 50V SMD to 1uF 50V axial
From 10uF 16V SMD to 10uF 25V axial 
From 47uF 16V SMD to 47uF 25V axial 

(*1) There was no stock of SMD and 16V capacitor at the shop.
Fig.1 Logic board of classic 2

Fig.2 Leaking chemical capacitors. Fig.3 Remove all of the chemical capacitors.

Fig.5 Remove the ROMs and SIMMs. Fig6. Wash the logic board with neutral detergent.

Fig.7 After drying , clean around the capacitors pads by ethanol and solder the new capacitors. Fig8. Attach the ROMs and SIMMs into the each sockets..

Fig.9 Attach the new battery then ... Fig.10 Classic 2 was started up again.